Top 6 Linux Commands Any Hacker Should Know

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As a hacker myself, I often get asked what the best hacking commands are. Since Linux is the best operating system for hackers, I immediately refer them to this list of my top 6 Linux hacking commands.


6. ping

Ping is a great command because it lets you know when your website or target may be online. It also tells you what their ip is, which is always the first step to hacking! Pro Tip: Few hackers know this, but using “ping -c 9999999” will DDOS most servers!


5. passwd

Best command to keep hackers off of your PC! Normally hackers will be able to get in your PC using remote hacking techniques, but this little known command can easily lock them out!


3. sh

Every Linux hacker knows the only way to run most hacks is to use the sh command.


2. echo

The most important part of hacking is the presentation. This command lets you write anything to your computer monitor!


1. ssh

Definitely the most important Linux hacking tool! I have hacked countless computers using this tool.

Remember that hacking is a noble sport, and don’t do anything illegal with these important hacking commands. Good luck and happy hacking!

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