6 Happy Thanksgiving Memories We Share
A Happy Thanksgiving is a pretty common shared holiday experience for all Americans.
Here are a few of our favorites from this indulgent holiday.
6. That time the Turkey came out just like you wanted.
After hours of effort, arguing with your cooking partners. The pain was worth it and the Turkey is delicious.
5. Putting up the Christmas decorations right after a feast.
You really could not stand the thought of letting time pass without a immediate holiday to look forward to.
4. Spending time with your fur babies.
Yes, you really are sick and tired of those coworkers at this point in the year. Probably the rest of society while we’re at it. Now it’s just you and the furred companions. And seemingly endless amounts of leftovers.
3. Eating so much breathing becomes a challenge.
Yeah not really sure how it got to this point, but it is what it is.
2. Not sharing your piece of the dessert … or any of it.
Screw those diet goals, this is the time to indulge. None of that indulgence is going to be wasted on the enjoyment of others. What was this holiday about again?
1. “I f*ed up” the next day feeling your prior day choices.
It’s going to be a long weekend, might as well sleep it off. Hope next Monday is not too bad.
Does any of this ring a bell or is your Thanksgiving experience totally off from ours?
Either way we hope you have a great Thanksgiving.